4 Resources for Families, Couples and Friends. February-April 2019

Winter/Spring 2019 Schedule - DBT for Families, Couples and Friends

Introduction to DBT Skills for Families, Couples and Friends.  

This training is suited for anyone who wants to learn key relationship skills of mindfulness, emotion regulation and interpersonal validation. Participants may register by completing the online registration form at www.dbtfamilyskills.com/upcoming-classes.html.  A week before the class, I will send materials to do some preparation in advance for the training.

When and Where: Saturday, February 23rd, 8:45am-1pm at Unity Center of Peace, 8800 Seawell School Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (to be confirmed).  

2019 DBT Family Skills Training. 

Over a series of four Saturday morning sessions, you will be introduced to the DBT Skills taught in DBT Skills Groups designed for these goals:To learn how to change your own behaviors, emotions and thoughts that are linked to problems in living and are causing misery and  distress in your most important relationships. Perhaps you want to gain or increase your skills to help you with times you get judgmental, ongoing conflict in the family, becoming more flexible or more firm, regulating emotions or effectively responding to difficult emotions in others.

It is fine to attend 1, 2 or all 4 of the sessions in this series. View the course objectives here. www.dbtfamilyskills.com/dialectical-behavior-therapy-for-families.html

Who can benefit: Participants come to gain essential skills to support themselves and become more skillful with their emotionally sensitive loved ones, whether they be children, siblings, partners, friends or parents. 
When and Where: Saturdays, 8:45am-1pm at Unity Center of Peace, 8800 Seawell School Rd, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 (to be confirmed).

March 16, 2019 -  Core Mindfulness for Increasing Family Balance and Effectiveness

March 30, 2019 -  Interpersonal Effectiveness and the Benefits of Validating 

April 13, 2019 -  Emotion Regulation and Distress Tolerance (How to NOT Make Things Worse)

April 27, 2019 -   The ABCs of Managing Relationship Problems 

DBT Skills for Couples. 

DBT Skills for Couples provides perspectives and strategies to more effectively cope with intense emotional patterns and disagreements, to communicate accurately and with validation, and to deepen the intimacy we desire in our most important relationships.
Where/When: Next series to begin February 2019. This 12-week series is held in the TADBiT Group Room, 200 W. Weaver St, Carrboro, NC on Tuesday evenings, 6:30-8:45pm. This course is typically offered two times during the year.
Learning Objectives: A description of the key learning objectives for each week of the DBT Skills for Couples at: www.dbtfamilyskills.com/dialectical-behavior-therapy-for-couples.html

And from Duke University Cognitive Behavioral Research and Treatment Program...

Through Thick and Thin

Through Thick and Thin, directed by Melissa Miller, provides 9 sessions of behavioral strategies (including DBT) supported by science to effectively relate to people who struggle with their emotions. 

Where/When: Starts in February. There is also a day-long Validation Workshop on January 25th.

What is DBT? Workshop on February 12th or 26th. 

Contact: Caitlin Fang at (919)-768-2627 or caitlin.fang@duke.edu

More information at sites.duke.edu/throughthickandthin/upcoming-workshops-and-classes/